Post by cookees on Mar 29, 2013 19:08:14 GMT -6
I just tried to sign on to the "other" forum, only to find out I've been banned for a year.
I don't think I've ever even posted.
Talk about paranoia.
Post by cookees on Mar 29, 2013 19:02:00 GMT -6
Post by cookees on Mar 25, 2013 19:28:52 GMT -6
Naw...you'll be fine. That trike can be a handful and if you mastered it you'll be okay on the Burgy. Just remember, where as the trike would only lean so far and stop... the Burgy will go all the way to the ground
Post by cookees on Mar 25, 2013 17:50:54 GMT -6
Post by cookees on Mar 25, 2013 17:44:16 GMT -6
Luke, We're closed today. We don't normally carry that size, but I have access to them all. I'll check tomorrow.
Post by cookees on Mar 25, 2013 12:45:00 GMT -6
Got the Puma Rocky 150's in last Thursday. They're definitely cool.
Lance/SYM delivery due in tomorrow.
Post by cookees on Mar 24, 2013 19:04:48 GMT -6
We're actually thinking of adding the Tomos ST to our line-up. www.tomosusa.com/pages/model/st2-stroke, 2 speed tranny....might just work in the hills here in Western PA
Post by cookees on Mar 23, 2013 12:45:43 GMT -6
Okayy... so much for the obscure Steve Martin reference.
I am back
by: cookees - Mar 23, 2013 12:41:51 GMT -6
Post by cookees on Mar 23, 2013 12:41:51 GMT -6
Hate? Why there ain't nuttin but love around here.
Post by cookees on Mar 22, 2013 17:58:03 GMT -6
Mr P... no apology needed. My frustration with Sunny/Scooterdepot runith over. I wish I COULD just bypass the switch. By the way, the next time you're in 'da Burgh... The Iron City is one me.
Post by cookees on Mar 22, 2013 17:45:36 GMT -6
well...........EXCuuuuuuuussssssssseeeeeee MMMMmeeeeeeeeee
Post by cookees on Mar 22, 2013 17:39:26 GMT -6
What....a tool? ? I resemble that remark!!!
Post by cookees on Mar 21, 2013 18:40:06 GMT -6
So I see that the new guys are really doubting the wisdom of the stupid name they came up with; Here's a PM that was sent to a new memberif anything it's almost impossible to find this site via google search.I had to literally type "itistheride.boards.net -proboards -scootdawg", for google to find this page.Perhaps all members could do google and this site a favor, by going to this site, by typing in google it's full adress, so google will rank it higher (Google usually ranks sites higher when they get a lot of searches; and at this time, it is pretty much impossible to find itistheride.boards.net by searching google using parameters 'google', 'forum, or things like boards, itistheride, 49cc, or other....
I do not think it would hurt, if you don't mind doing at least one google search for the forum, you can copy and past the address and do the search.
Read more: itistheride.boards.net/index.cgi?action=pmview&view=1&id=1625#ixzz2ODxu5qDg
Duh, yeah....
Post by cookees on Mar 21, 2013 14:19:58 GMT -6
I say we get t-shirts made up.....
Post by cookees on Mar 20, 2013 19:01:34 GMT -6
Cookie if your a dealer i would have expected more than the comments you wrote, no disrespect, but that switch was not nasa designed. You should be long gone from that situation.
Mr Palmetto,
True, I'm not a NASA engineer.
True, You're not a dealer.
True, if you were a dealer, you'd probably be better known as "the defendant", because if you modify or jeery-rig that switch you'd be a litigating attorney's wet dream.